Lazy Mornings

Dear lovely readers,

do we even need a guide to a (perfect) lazy morning? Well, probably not, because we all have our own idea of how the perfect lazy morning should be… but here is my to-do list on a lazy morning

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  1. A late start: Not too late, because if you end up waking up at noon, the morning is pretty much gone and nothing was done. Something in between, so you get a good night of sleep, but also have some time left to relax. Choose that time and set your alarm clock, if you don’t want to sleep for the whole morning
  2. Breathe and stretch as you get out of your bed
  3. Water: before preparing your breakfast drink a glass of fresh water (you can also add some lemon) to wake yourself up
  4. A delicious breakfast: What better way of starting a day if not with a yummy breakfast? I think this is crucial, because it fuels you with energy for the rest of the day. Choose your favorite; cereal, pancakes, cookies, a smoothie … whatever it is, prepare that!
  5. Tea: once you’ve finished eating breakfast make some tea…
  6. Music: put on some good music; your favorite songs mixed with tea and a good book will make your morning a 100x better
  7. Relax: and finally just relax; take your cup of tea and the book or magazine you’ve been wanting to read/browse through for so long and relax!



6 responses to “Lazy Mornings

  1. Nice post! I try to have a relaxing morning everyday because otherwise I have a bad day, the only difference between my week mornings and my Sunday mornings is that during the week that ‘perfect’ morning lasts 10 minutes and on Sunday I get to be lazy for hours!:)


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